Traveling to 75 cities nationwide, the “Milk the Moment” Tour features a variety of fun and educational activities for the entire family. The tour also offers moms a chance to share how they “milk the moment” at dinnertime for a chance to win an unforgettable family dinner experience with Milk Mustache celebrity and chef Tyler Florence
“Milk the Moment” To Win The Milk Mustache Mobile “Milk the Moment” Tour has taken to America’s streets to encourage families to set the dinner table with naturally nutrient-rich milk. This year, the tour will help celebrate family dinners and invite moms to share how they make the most of time together around the table. Do your kids pour each family member a glass of milk? Or does your family do a milk toast to start off every meal? Event attendees can enter the national “Milk the Moment” contest by sharing how they “milk the moment” with their family for a chance to win a trip to San Francisco to have a family dinner with the latest Milk Mustache celebrity and chef Tyler Florence.
To enter, attend a Milk the Moment Tour event in your area or if you can’t make it to the event, visit whymilk.com to enter and for official rules.
Family Fun Activities
Also, as a partner of this year’s tour, the NFL and the National Dairy Council’s (NDC) Fuel Up to Play 60 program will offer kids the opportunity at each event to participate in a fun, dinner-themed football toss activity that teaches kids the importance of getting enough exercise and eating right. The youth-led program empowers children and teens to take charge of their health and work with school leaders to create more opportunities for 60 minutes of daily physical activity and to make more healthy foods available. Also, residents who stop by the mobile tour have a chance to win great prizes and experience free, interactive activities including: an interactive display that puts milk head-to-head with other dinnertime beverage choices, milk samples, and Milk Mustache photos.
Helping Those In Need Build Strong Families
You can also help families in need by passing a virtual gallon of milk to friends on Facebook. Event attendees can pass a gallon on-site at special computer stations, but you also can help by visiting Facebook.com/MilkMustache. For every virtual gallon passed, $1 will go to Feeding America, up to $100,000. Feeding America is the country’s largest network of food banks that serves more than 37 million people facing hunger in this country. For more information on the importance of serving milk at the dinner table and the National Milk Mustache "got milk?®" Campaign, visit whymilk.com, fan the tour on Facebook at Facebook.com/MilkMustache or follow them on Twitter @MilkMustache.