Monday, March 2, 2020

Ag is for Everyone


At times in life it can be easy to lose perspective. You get in a routine with work and life and forget to take time to look and appreciate the world around us. Sometimes you wonder if what you do even matters or makes a difference to anyone else. As individuals who make up an entire industry, what you do does matter to someone or some group of people.

If you think about it, each day would consist of major inconveniences if one entire industry decided to totally stop functioning. Eventually, society would lose some kind of product, skill or service which could ultimately impact a wide variety of other industries. Society takes all kinds of people doing all kinds of jobs to operate. In agriculture, it’s no different.

At Sage, a creative marketing agency, we work with other creative thinkers and our ag clients to see firsthand what it takes to tell the story of agriculture and make the industry work. On the surface level, it can be obvious who the contributors are of the agricultural industry – the farmers and ranchers. However, like billions of people rely on farmers and ranchers every day, these professionals also rely on thousands of others to make their jobs possible.

For example, farmers and ranchers need equipment manufacturers, mechanics, software developers, veterinarians, animal health experts, agronomists, financial advisors, economists and legal professionals (just to name a few) to operate.

Agricultural youth programs rely on teachers, extension specialists and agents, parents, volunteers and support from a variety of local businesses to ensure agriculture has a place in future generations.

In our world at Sage, we see many other roles being played to advocate and share the story of agriculture. We communicate regularly with writers, editors, designers, data analysts, photographers and videographers to deliver messages for the industry. Working with the media, we are encouraged when we see agriculture being talked about in print, online, through social media, TV and radio.

Agriculture not only produces food and fiber, but also medicine, household products, personal care items, fuel and entertainment. To make these items, agriculture and society also rely on processors, manufacturers, transportation, retailers and food services. Without agriculture and its related industries more than 21 million jobs or 11% of U.S. employment would be effected. However, the number is likely higher and does not include the number of people who use food and fiber products each day.

Agriculture truly has a place in everyone’s day-to-day activities, whether it’s part of your career or not. National Ag Day is one way you can educate and advocate for an industry everyone relies on. Perhaps this Ag Day you should take the time to find out where your relationship with ag fits into your life. Chances are, if you eat you need agriculture, but agriculture just might need you, too.